Posts Tagged ‘workforce development’

Showing Resolve

A youth in ERCPCP’s High Intensity program was enrolled and successfully completed a pharmaceutical tech program located in Virginia. Despite several personal obstacles to completing the program, this youth showed resolve using personal finances to pay for the program.  Currently, this youth has obtained an internship at a local pharmacy in the DC region.  Additionally, by participating in DCYL services the High Intensity worker was able to use the completion of this program, which showed a great deal of determination and steadfastness, as the basis for building an even deeper and stronger relationship with this youth’s parents.

Overcoming Obstacles

A Youth enrolled in ERCPCP’s High Intensity program received a high school diploma from a DC Public School after completing summer school. This young person overcame several personal obstacles that prevented this youth from completing their degree in 4 years. This youth took advantage of DCYL services such as High Intensity and Tutoring to ensure that they were equipped with the tools necessary to complete high school. Currently, this young person is in the process of reviewing scholarships that are available to assist them in taking the next step in realizing their dream of going to college.

Becoming Engaged

A youth enrolled in ERCPCP’s DCYL Workforce Development program began working with our partner Career Path DC for 20 hours per week. The youth then became involved with our partner Earn, Learn, and Grow and began working 30 hours per week. Because of his great work with Career Path DC, that youth was offered full time employment.  Currently, this young person is fully engaged in the community; helping with lawn care and landscaping projects benefitting the Department of Aging. The youth was pictured in an article in the Washington Post along with Career Path DC and other youth.

Making Achievements

A youth enrolled in ERCPCP’s DCYL Workforce Development program is enrolled at Anacostia Community Outreach Center. This youth scored high marks on the Pre-GED test which allowed the youth to sit in on the GED test. We are honored to report that this youth passed the GED test and is now working on enrolling in the District of Columbia Community College. This young person is definitely moving toward a brighter future!

Making a Good Impression

Earlier this week, a provider took several of our youth to the Tanger Outlet Mall.  One particular youth who is enrolled in our workforce development program was there and was dressed in business casual as requested. He had great energy and was impressive to the employers he met. He has already completed the second phase of the application process for the Tommy Hilfiger store and is working on completing other online applications as well.  We are hopeful that he will be successful in his quest for employment and are already proud of him for taking it seriously and making it this far along in the process.

With the type of work that we are involved with, sometimes it can be difficult to see the progress made.  Besides knowing that you are called to do the work in the first place, one can sometimes be left to wonder if their efforts are worth it in the end.  Articles like this one from the Washington Post (Juvenile Offenders Learn Meaning of Work through Mowing Lawns of the Elderly) help to highlight the benefits of the challenging work that ERCPCP and its partners are involved with.  This article excites us and reaffirms the fact that the work does indeed make a difference.  We’d like to congratulate our partner, Career Path DC, for the inspiring work that they are doing – transforming juvenile offenders into employed, committed young citizens.  We look forward to seeing many more amazing success stories from our colleagues in the future!